The Oak and the Cliff (Series)
Barley, orphan and heir to the Mole Kingdom, discovers who he is and an ability to travel to any place he can picture in his mind. He commits to return to his family home and deal with the enemy that has crushed his people for centuries.
Come meet Barley, his new friends (including those terrifying cats, and the deer that decide to help), and the enemies that he must destroy in order to restore his rightful home and throne.
The cover painting, looking out over the ocean from the Oak and the Cliff, is by pastel artist Linée Baird. Amazon carries this beautifully printed version here.
Book Two, "Going Home", is now available as well, and introduces many new characters and adventures. There's a lot going on.
Sandy has never seen his family's ancient home, but sets out to find it -- a mole, wandering the wide world. Jeremiah, itinerant sailor, decides to help, and the adventure begins.
- -A badger and a mole set out to explore the Old West, and arrive in the middle of a bank robbery.
- -Street cats take on the drug gangs in Torreón, Mexico.
- -Amy is kidnapped in Russia, and the cats go to her rescue.
- -Sandy and Jeremiah are attacked and left for dead on an empty island.
- -And when the beautiful Tharyn walks into a knife fight on a deserted dock after midnight, everything changes.
Amazon offers the print version - click here. The cover painting, illustrating Jeremiah and Tharyn getting their first glimpse of the Oak and the Cliff, is also by pastel artist Linée Baird.
For ebook formats - PDF, EPUB, Kindle - click here, and buy all the electronic formats for both books as a bundled set!
And Book Three -- is now at the publisher!